About Us

Established in 1952. Serving in the Most Unchurched and Dechurched Area of America.

Christ Community Church began as a church plant with thirteen members in January 1952. Originally named Cambrian Park Baptist Church, the fledgling congregation met in a member's home off Camden Avenue. In January 1954, the church purchased the property where it still stands today. CCC’s teaching and polity reformed under Pastor Keith’s leadership in the early 2000s. For over half a century, God has graciously fueled the fire of this lampstand in San Jose.

According to a 2017 report from the Barna Group, the cities of San Jose, Oakland, and San Francisco ranked #1 in the most unchurched and dechurched cities of the country. Silicon Valley exerts enormous cultural, social, and political influence around the world, and we desire to see that influence won for Christ. With the nations living in our backyard, we recognize the profound missional opportunity presented to us. CCC embraces the challenge of ministry in Silicon Valley and is thankful for the privilege of serving in a place of such beauty, influence, diversity, and spiritual need.

Members Covenanted to Following Jesus

All members of CCC commit to the membership covenant. This covenant is our promise to God and one another that we will strive to live out the Christian life in our church family at CCC. The membership covenant helps define what it means to be a member of our local body. We also encourage our members to create a simple plan outlining how they will live out the membership covenant. This plan typically includes 1-3 specific, doable commitments for each Biblical imperative: eat, pray, praise, serve, grow, go. Faithfulness looks different for different people, so the plans are intended to be personalized for each person. We offer accountability, support, prayer, and encouragement within our Discipleship Groups to help one another uphold our commitments to following Jesus.

Our Membership Class

Interested in becoming a member? Ask Pastor Keith about joining an upcoming Membership Class. Over 4-6 sessions, we explore the Biblical basis for church membership, CCC's statement of faith, membership covenant, and church constitution. We will also address any theological or practical questions you may have. Membership Classes typically convene on Sundays after lunch in the Calvin Meeting Room (2nd floor), with flexibility for alternative times or locations as needed.

Follow Us on Social Media

Check out our YouTube channel for previous sermons and teaching series. You can also visit our second channel, Theology in Public, where we have meaningful conversations with non-Christians.

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