About Us
Established in 1952. Serving in the Most Unchurched and Dechurched Area of America.
Making Disciples & Helping the Helpless
Our vision is to see San Jose discipled, the defenseless in our city defended, and the nations reached for the glory of Christ.
Our mission together as a family is threefold:
- Building up the body through expository preaching, personal discipleship, and practical ministry training.
- Engaging the world with God’s Word through Bible studies, worldview conversations, and missionary support.
- Protecting our pre-born neighbors from abortion by offering help and hope on the sidewalk of our local abortion facility.
This vision is ambitious, and our mission is impossible in our own strength. We aim to bring our labors to God in personal and communal prayer, having faith that we serve an almighty King for whom all things are possible.
A Confessionally Reformed, Southern Baptist Church
CCC is blessed to be in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention. We support the International Mission Board of the SBC and are grateful to receive significant tuition discounts at SBC seminaries for our members. Our statement of faith is the revised New Hampshire Confession of Faith of 1853, which is a reformed Baptist confession. All members of CCC are expected to be in substantial agreement with the statement of faith. The historic confession is reproduced below with the original "Jehovah" substituted for "Yahweh.”
Congregationally Ruled & Pastor Led
Members play a vital role in the governance of CCC. The body calls and dismisses pastors or deacons, accepts and releases members, exercises church discipline, amends the church constitution, and approves the church budget. All members receive keys to the campus building and convene once a quarter after lunch on Sunday for voting and updates. Pastors lead the church and engage in the ministry of the Word, including teaching, counseling, and evangelism. Deacons serve in various capacities like church accounting, property maintenance, and meeting practical member needs.
Members Covenanted to Following Jesus
All members of CCC commit to the membership covenant. This covenant is our promise to God and one another that we will strive to live out the Christian life in our church family at CCC. The membership covenant helps define what it means to be a member of our local body. We also encourage our members to create a simple plan outlining how they will live out the membership covenant. This plan typically includes 1-3 specific, doable commitments for each Biblical imperative: eat, pray, praise, serve, grow, go. Faithfulness looks different for different people, so the plans are intended to be personalized for each person. We offer accountability, support, prayer, and encouragement within our Discipleship Groups to help one another uphold our commitments to following Jesus.
Visit Us on Sunday or Wednesday
Join us for our Sunday worship service at 10:40am! You can find us at 2030 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124. We’d love to meet you!
You can also join us every other Wednesday night for a Community Group in a member’s home. We gather for dinner at 6:00 pm followed by a study at 7:00 pm. Feel free to come for dinner and the study, just for the study, or even just for dinner! Click here reach out and we’ll connect you with a group to visit.
Follow Us on Social Media
Check out our YouTube channel for previous sermons and teaching series. You can also visit our second channel, Theology in Public, where we have meaningful conversations with non-Christians.