Children at Church
We love children and praise God for the young families He has blessed us with at CCC! Discipling the next generation is essential to CCC’s vision of seeing San Jose and the nations follow Christ. We are committed to the discipleship of our children by equipping parents to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, ESV), teaching them God’s Word in age-effective ways (see CCC Students), and integrating them in our communal worship on Sunday. We believe in worshiping together as a church family with our families and encourage everyone to participate in the Sunday Service. Recognizing that not all children are ready to join, we offer three options for families with young children.
A training room where parents can prepare their children for participation in Sunday Service.
Family-integrated worship in the sanctuary.

Childcare for little ones. During the teaching portion of our worship service, childcare is provided for infants and toddlers (0-3 years old). Two of our dedicated nursery workers will be available in the nursery after the final song as we transition to the offering, catechism, and sermon. Parents will accompany their children to the nursery to sign them in. If your child needs care before the nursery opens, the Training Room is available for use any time.
Safety first. All of our nursery workers are background-checked volunteers. Parents will provide their phone numbers so nursery workers can text them if their child needs a diaper change or bathroom break during the service. Only background-checked workers are allowed in the nursery. If you prefer to stay with your child, you are welcome to use the Training Room during the service.
Food provided. We offer an allergy-free snack for the children in the nursery. If you prefer your child not to have a snack, please inform one of the nursery workers.
Fun for the kids. Our nursery includes a variety of toys and books that your little ones will enjoy! We sanitize the toys regularly to help minimize the spread of germs.
Training Room

Watch the Sunday Service. The Training Room is equipped with a live video feed, allowing you and your child to experience the entire service. Communion is also served in the Training Room with the rest of the body.
Prepare children to participate. The Training Room is designed for preparation, not play. Our goal is to help our children learn how to engage in the church's communal gatherings and experience the service themselves. Parents with children of any age are welcome to use the Training Room until their children are ready to sit quietly during the service. We might begin by helping them learn to sit quietly, possibly through silent activities, but our ultimate goal is to teach them how to sing, pray, and listen to God’s Word during the Sunday Service.
Always open. If your child starts to struggle in the Sanctuary, you may return to the Training Room at any time during the service. A changing table is also provided in the room.
Family-Integrated Worship

Discipleship through worship. We disciple our children when they observe their parents worship God, experience the church’s communal gathering, and learn how to engage in it themselves.
Back two rows reserved for young families. In the Sanctuary, the back two rows of chairs are reserved for families with young children. This arrangement allows for easier access to the Training Room and helps minimize distractions. To reduce movement in and out of the Sanctuary, please ensure your children uses the restroom before the service begins.
Quiet activities are okay. If children are too young to listen to the sermon, they are welcome to quietly look at books or color. However, noisy activities are not permitted in the Sanctuary. Children should remain in their seats during the sermon.
Encouraging engagement. We encourage our children to participate in as much of the service as they are able! They can start by singing along with the church. Listening to the music at home using the resources on Preparing for Sunday can be a helpful way to learn the songs. When they're ready, asking them simple questions about the sermon can further support their understanding and engagement.