Mission Ready Training

Equipping the Church to Engage the World

Engaging non-Christians in Silicon Valley requires a range of missional skills, like initiating meaningful conversations, presenting evidence for God's existence, addressing felt needs with the gospel, and leading Bible studies with skeptics. Different Christians may face different ministry skill gaps. Some might want to strengthen their ability to demonstrate the truth of Christianity, while others may wish to improve how they share their personal testimony. No matter your current level of knowledge or experience, our Mission Ready Training is designed to help you grow in your missional effectiveness and become a disciple who makes new disciples. Participants can choose from a variety of skill sets listed below. Building these skills requires more than just study—it also takes practice. 

4 Step Training Process

Our Mission Ready Training follows a four-step process to equip members with the abilities they need to engage their communities for Jesus and see San Jose discipled.

1. Study

After selecting a skill set, members will dive into the written or video study materials. CCC’s Mission Ready conversation guide offers detailed instruction for many of the skill sets below, featuring helpful mnemonic devices, visual aids, and examples of what to say. Pastor Kirk is also available to answer questions or provide further discussion.

2. Practice

Members will practice the conversation with another member or pastor, receiving feedback and suggestions to help hone their skills.

3. Share

Members will engage in real-life conversations with skeptics. This can be with a non-Christian friend or through Theology in Public, where CCC members regularly have the opportunity to speak with our non-Christian neighbors. During Theology in Public, specific starting signs can be used to initiate the kind of conversation members wish to work on; Pastor Kirk can also provide on-the-spot coaching.

4. Reflect

After each conversation, members will reflect on their experience by answering three questions in a provided journal: What went well? What didn’t go well? What could make it better? If the interaction was recorded through Theology in Public, members can also review the footage. Before the next conversation, members will review their notes and choose one area of improvement to focus on.

Flexible for Your Schedule

We want every member to have the opportunity to grow as a witness for Christ. Our Mission Ready Training is self-paced and asynchronous, allowing members to progress at their own speed. In their journal, members will set personal goals for when they desire to acquire a selected skill set and decide when to study, practice, and share—planning a pace that works best for them. They have the freedom to start and pause the training whenever they wish. Practice sessions are flexible and can include meeting with another member or pastor, one-on-one or possibly in a group setting, either in person or via Zoom. For those interested in sharpening their missional skills through Theology in Public, outings can often be arranged at a time that fits their schedule.

Work on the Skill Sets You Want

Members can receive training in any of the following missional skills. We recommend focusing on one skill set at a time.

Going to the World

  • Starting deep conversations
  • Continuing conversations (follow-up)

Interacting with Religions

  • Talking with Muslims
  • Talking with Jehovah’s Witnesses

Studying the Bible with Skeptics

  • Inviting to a Bible study
  • Leading a Bible study

Reasoning about Faith

  • Sharing the argument for God from morality
  • Sharing the argument for God from the universe’s existence
  • Sharing why religious truth matters
  • Discussing the vanity of life without God
  • Responding to the problem of suffering
  • Demonstrating God’s historical revelation through Jesus
  • Discussing Biblical sexuality
  • Discussing abortion

Sharing the Gospel

  • Discussing salvation from our greatest needs (e.g. judgment, sin, death, etc.)
  • Applying the gospel to our deepest longings (i.e. our felt needs)
  • Sharing your personal testimony
  • Explaining the gospel using analogies
  • Explaining the gospel using Bible stories
  • Knowing useful memory verses

Questions About Mission Ready Training? Want to Begin?