Preparing for Sunday

Come Ready to Worship

Each week, we provide the following resources to help you spiritually prepare for communal worship. Investing time in preparation will enable you to grow and worship God more deeply during the Sunday Service. Resources for the upcoming Sunday are available by Saturday morning.

Living in Day 7 

Last week, we had the chance to reflect on the pinnacle of Day 6—God creating mankind in His image, after His likeness. From that passage, we discovered both our purpose and our identity. This Sunday, we’ll conclude the creation narrative by exploring Day 7, a day set apart by God, not for work, but for completion and rest. My goal is to show you that the rest and completion established on Day 7 were meant to continue, and that we can reclaim this in Christ today. If you have ever felt incomplete, broken, or not whole, or unable to find rest in the chaos of life, then Day 7 is for you. I pray that God uses this message to encourage and strengthen you. Soli Deo Gloria!

Big Idea: God’s Day 7 rest was for all mankind, and all mankind can enjoy it in Christ. 

1. Day 7 Completion

2. Day 7 Rest

3. What Day are you living in? 

Preparation Questions: Genesis 2:1-3

1. How was God's creation considered complete on Day 7, and in what areas of your life do you feel incomplete or lacking in your humanity?

2. What does it mean that God rested on Day 7? How long was this rest intended to last?

3. In what ways do you struggle to rest in life—whether it’s from work, in your salvation, or in your relationships?

4. How can the person of Jesus Christ grant you access to the blessings of Day 7, providing (1) a sense of completion and rest now, and (2) the hope of perfect completion and rest in the future?

5. What steps can you take today to better experience the completion and rest of Day 7 that God offers to His children?

Sunday Songs

You can listen to our musical lineup for the Sunday Service using the YouTube links or the Spotify Playlist below.

There Is One Gospel

Not In Me

The King of Love My Shepherd Is

Come Ye Souls By Sin Afflicted (Look to Jesus)

Come To Jesus (Rest In Him)

On Jordan's Stormy Banks

Song Highlight: Come To Jesus (Rest In Him)

Our hymn highlight this week is Come To Jesus (Rest In Him) by Matt Merker & Jordan Kauflin. This beautiful hymn is written to those weary of heart to “come to Jesus” and find “rest in Him.” Verse 1 of the hymn calls those who are weary and heavy laden to come to Christ so that we may receive the peace He so graciously and willingly offers. It brings Him great delight to draw His chosen ones to Himself and give them rest. Verse 2 calls those who are plagued with shame and guilt to come to Jesus so that they may receive the forgiveness that is granted through His death and resurrection. He has truly paid for all the sins of His chosen ones, thus He calls us to find mercy and rest in Him alone. Lastly, verse 3 calls the broken hearted and troubled souls to put their hope not in the broken world around us, but in the promise that He will return again to restore all things and bring us into His presence forever. By His faithful sustenance, we will be brought safely home where we will see our Savior face-to-face and rest in His arms forever. How glorious! As the chorus resounds, “How sure His compassion for us! Oh how deep is His love!” How sure and great indeed! 

So friend, why would you seek rest in anything but our gracious Lord and Savior? In all your sorrow, in all your guilt, in all the troubles this fallen world brings, Jesus is willing and able to bring comfort and peace to you. “So come, come to Jesus and rest in Him.”  

Sunday Service

There Is One Gospel

Call to Worship: Isaiah 40:28-31

Not In Me

The King of Love My Shepherd Is 

Confession: Matt 11:28-30

Assurance: Isaiah 30:15

Come Ye Souls By Sin Afflicted

Offering: John 7:37-38

Keach’s Catechism: Q&A 90

Reading: Genesis 2:1-3

Living In Day 7

Communion: Hebrews 10:11-14

Come to Jesus (Rest In Him)

Eat & Drink: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

On Jordan's Stormy Banks

Benediction: Revelation 21:3-4

This Sunday

Sunday Prayer

9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

Sunday Service

10:40 AM - 12:15 PM

Hosted Lunch

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

CCC Students

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
